Changing ways of teaching in surgical training

Divino Plastic Surgery
4 min readJan 27, 2023


The way technology is used to teach surgeons is changing in ways that help them get ready for the challenges that lie ahead. This is due in large part to the fact that surgeries are getting more complicated. Virtual reality and animal labs are some of the ways that people are being trained. Trainees can see a wide range of simulated situations thanks to these technologies. This helps them get ready for a wide range of situations. They also help them find ways to learn that make it easier for them to understand how things are done.

In the last ten years, there has been a change in how surgeons learn to do laparoscopic surgery. This change has been caused by a number of things. A master-apprentice model and training based on simulations are becoming more popular. These methods are meant to meet the challenges of a surgical environment that is getting more complicated.

Basic laparoscopic skills, like stitching inside the body and using two hands to move instruments, are at the core of surgical training for laparoscopic surgery. The best way to learn these skills is through a course that covers many advanced techniques. This will give the trainee hands-on experience with the equipment and help prepare him or her for more advanced procedures.

It has been shown that the master-apprentice model helps people learn faster. This model is based on expert laparoscopic surgeons giving structured guidance. It also has a lab for simulations.

Simulation is being used more and more in training for laparoscopic surgery. It gives a safe, low-risk place to train laparoscopic skills and test them. It also helps figure out how good a doctor is.

During their training, people who want to be surgeons have to deal with a lot of problems. One of these is learning how to become a medical expert, health advocate, and manager. The best way to deal with these problems is for surgical educators to know how their trainees learn. Using this information to tailor their teaching methods can help students learn better and make the whole process more efficient.

A study was done to find out how well the Kolb Learning Style Inventory (LSI) works for understanding how people learn. Three groups were given LSI as part of this study. The LSI has been used to evaluate things for a long time. It looks at how well you do on three tests.

The LSI has been used to find out how physicians like to learn best. The goal of this study was to find out if the LSI can accurately figure out how trainees prefer to learn.

The LSI was given to residents and professors in general surgery at the University of Alberta. The data were gathered with the help of an anonymous survey. The Health Research Ethics Board at the University of Alberta said that the study could go ahead.

Virtual reality is being used more and more to teach surgeons how to do their jobs. For example, a VR simulator can give students a virtual operating room where they can practice their surgical skills and get feedback in real time.

Virtual reality may not only give trainees a more realistic and immersive experience, but it may also help them become better surgeons. One study at the University of Illinois at Chicago looked at how virtual reality affects how well a surgery goes. It was found that surgical outcomes were 230% better for trainees who had done a VR simulation than for those who had only done a traditional classroom-based course.

There are also new VR systems being made that should cost less and be easier to carry around. With these new ideas, it should be easier for surgeons to talk to each other and to their patients.

One of the best things about VR as a learning tool is that it can simulate different parts of the human body. Its simulations are especially good for teaching how to do things like laparoscopic surgery.

Animal labs are an important part of the biomedical science curriculum for students. To use animals in research in a responsible way, however, it is important to follow a few simple rules.

Institutions should make sure that the places where animals are cared for are separate from the places where research is done. People who care for animals must get the right training. These people should also take part in activities that help them keep learning.

Researchers should be trained in all aspects of caring for animals, such as ethics, laws, euthanasia, and drug testing. All research groups should be taught the “Three Rs,” which are a set of moral rules that aim to reduce the number of animals used in research.

To keep people and the environment safe, there are strict rules that must be followed when dangerous chemicals are used on animals. In addition to providing enough physical protection, the facility must have certain safety equipment and follow special procedures for dealing with body fluids.



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